Lundin Mining Report: A giant metal district, comprised of giant deposit clusters, is extremely rare.

Giant metal districts occur only when many exceptional and unusual geological processes coincide in one place to produce an extraordinary concentration of metals.

Major mining companies were all built around the control of one or more of the world’s great giant metal districts. They are considered the holy grail of the mining industry and the essential building block of any globally significant mining company. Well known examples of these giant metal districts include Escondida (BHP), Chuquicamata and El Teniente (Codelco); Grasberg (Freeport).

The Lundin Group is in the fortunate position of controlling the Vicuña District – the only giant metal district not already owned by one of the global major mining companies. The projects making up the emerging Vicuña district include Lundin Mining’s Caserones mine and Josemaria, Filo’s Filo del Sol, and NGEx Minerals’ Los Helados and its recent new discovery Lunahuasi.

On the April 2023 release of initial drill results from the Lunahuasi discovery, NGEx President and CEO Wojtek Wodzicki stated: “One of the key messages from the Vicuña presentation that we made a few years ago was that giant metal districts tend to continue to deliver new discoveries. Today’s results reinforce that point and I am confident that we are in the very earliest stages of defining the fourth major deposit discovered in the Vicuña district.”

Lundin Group’s projects are not only proximal to each other but sit in the same neighbourhood as the Caserones copper mine (Lundin Mining closed its acquisition of majority interest {51%} in Caserones in July 2023).

On Nov. 9, 2023, PDAC announced the Lundin Group Vicuña Exploration Team, including Wojtek Wodzicki, Bob Carmichael, Diego Charchaflie, Patricio Jones, Martin Rode, and Alfredo Vitaller, has been awarded the 2024 Thayer Lindsley Award for international discovery of the year. PDAC recognized the team for their groundbreaking discoveries that have built an emerging giant copper-gold-silver district over the past 20 years. The award is a testament to the Lundin Group’s conviction, entrepreneurial spirit and technical excellence.

As the world begins to increasingly transition to green energy and a lower carbon future, there is a growing realization that unprecedented amounts of copper, such that can be found in new sources like giant metal districts, will be needed.



0 Replies to “Lundin Mining: “VICUÑA: A GIANT DISTRICT IN THE MAKING””

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